Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Life's Barcode

There's power in numbers.

Universe was created in exact number. Space, matter, and energy are composed of infinite forces that  are synchronized in numbers; as if we were created by a wonderful mathematician. So we are humans. We born, grow, and eventually die. The cycle is infinite; and are based on numbers. 

A psychic says that numbers are like fingerprints of a "Creative One", tickling our souls with the knowing of our path and power. 

I started to notice this number synchronicity when I was in Grade 5 when I discovered that my Boy Scout ID No. was 666. The number 6  dominated my life until my high school years (1996). I was in Section 16 on the first year, then became 6 on the second year. 

The number 4 started to reveal when I was in third year. I was in Section 4, up to fourth year.

When I started to study number synchronicity,  I found out that Number 6 tells about nourishment and nurturing of what you want to grow. True enough, those years were  formative years. I also noticed that every significant events that were happening to me which falls under the number 6 were my memorable and the happiest one.

Below are the meanings of numbers in our life. Be attentive. When a number continues to shows up in your life, pay heed. Maybe, our life is patented already.

Number 1 (Pioneer) Take on leadership. Be brave, original, and courageous. Time to explore new things; start anew. There is a new path set before you. Just follow it.

Number 2 (Direct Sensitivity)  Time to slow down. Focus on what you want to receive and become.  Be creative and start to think out-of-the-box.

Number 3 (Express) Reveal yourself.  It's your moment to show who you are to the world, never mind the sequences because everything will fall into place. Be optimistic. Don't look back.

Number 4 (Building) Get to work. Organize and put all your effort to do what you really want. Be real.

Number 5 (Liberate) Move and progress. Pursue your dreams, as changes needs to happen right away. Seek out for excitement as your life gets boring. Anew.

Number 6  (Formative) Nourish and nurture what you want to grow. Be like a butterfly.  Beautify.

Number 7 (Seek) Go deeper. There are things that are more than the eye meets. Be attentive.

Number 8 (Manifest) Bring out the things you invested subconsciously. Vibrant. 

Number 9 (Envision) Surrender the old to make space for the new. Align yourself with a cause and try to vision ahead. Dream & Act.